Project Description

Plover Cove Reservoir, located within current Plover Cove Country Park, is the largest reservoir in Hong Kong in terms of area, and the second-largest in terms of volume. It is the world’s first freshwater coastal lake constructed from an arm of the ocean.

Plover Cover Reservoir stores rainwater collected in the catchment as well as freshwater imported from the East River (Dongjiang) in China. Plover Cover Reservoir together with High Island Reservoir play a strategic role in Hong Kong. In the worst-case scenario when unforeseeable water crisis happens, the two reservoirs can provide sufficient portable water for the people of Hong Kong over a period of four to six months.

Scope of Works

Carry out of injection grouting for construction of Plover Cove Dam.
– Injection grouting: (a) grout hole drilled length 20,000m, (b) cement grouted 2,500 tons

Public Works Department

Binnie & Partner, Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Partners

General contractor:
Dragages et Travaux Publics

Period of works:
1965 to 1968

Years in Hong Kong
Yearly Turnover
Projects Completed

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