
Pipe pile walls are a common type of temporary retaining structures. The pile diameter ranges from 323mm to 813mm. Generally curtain grouting is required behind the walls for water cut-off purpose, unless it is interlocked pipe pile walls of which there is no “gap” between the pipe piles.

Pipe pile walls are installed by hydraulic drilling rig using “overburden drilling method” (down-the-hole hammer technique). The operation is same as rock socketed H-piles. Due to “overburden drilling method” is suitable for variable ground conditions including boulders and hard rocks, pipe pile walls are generally used when the installation of sheet pile walls is expected difficult due to presence of boulders and hard materials in the ground.

General Processes

As mentioned above, pipe pile walls are installed by hydraulic drilling rig using “overburden drilling method” (down-the-hole hammer technique). The operation is same as rock socketed H-piles.

After driving the steel pipes to required depth, the pipes will be backfilled with specified materials such as sand or cement grout. Curtain grouting behind the pipe pile walls will then be performed, if required.

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